I never really gave much thought to it, but a computer repair business would be an excellent place to run a criminal enterprise. You're handing...
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Release: PyTorch Geometric Container for GNNs on NGC
The NVIDIA PyG container, now generally available, packages PyTorch Geometric with accelerations for GNN models, dataloading, and pre-processing using... The NVIDIA PyG container, now generally...
Why A Sign of Affection Might Be the Shojo Anime of 2024
These days, with the abundance of anime releases that happen, the shojo genre just does not get the appreciation it should. Once in a while...
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An Until Dawn Movie Has Been Confirmed to be in the Works
Supermassive Games’ Until Dawn was quite a hit back in 2015. Taking the player through a spooky teen horror where all of the characters’ lives...
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This Vampire Survivors-like milks the memey humor of Abraham Lincoln fighting dinosaurs, but it’s the exact type of over-the-top-slapstick that makes ‘bullet heaven’ games great
Look, up in the sky! It’s a bird! It’s a plane! It’s… Abraham Lincoln? Who… is a bird? It only takes a few minutes playing...