Greetings Greyhawkers and D&D map enthusiasts in general. Today I present a silly map concept I have been daydreaming about for months, a minimalist Darlene...
Does Coral Island Have Multiplayer? – Answered
Learn if Coral Island has multiplayer! Coral Island is a 3D role-playing game inspired by classic farming sims that provide players with a relaxed and...
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New examples pack for Unity
We have updated the Unity examples pack and tutorials for SmartFoxServer 2X.The new pack contains the following demo examples: ConnectorLobby: BasicsLobby: BuddiesLobby: MatchmakingTic-Tac-ToeFirst Person ShooterMMO...
SmartFoxServer 2.18.4 patch is available!
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SmartFoxServer 2.19.0 is available!
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