The first big non-Battle Royale mode created for Apex Legends was Control, which premiered in Season 12 in February 2022. This mode introduced a similar...
A wildly popular beta has skyrocketed The Finals into the top-wishlisted game on Steam, priming it to be the FPS to watch in 2024
The hottest game on Steam right now is an FPS that's not technically out yet. Hundreds of thousands of people are trying out The Finals,...
5 Reasons Bungie Should Invest in a Forge Mode for Destiny 2
It’s time for Bungie to look at Halo Infinite’s recent growth and success born from its ever-evolving Forge mode. While we wait, here’s 5 reasons...
CD Projekt wants the Cyberpunk series to experience ‘a similar evolution’ to The Witcher games
As troubled as Cyberpunk 2077 was at launch, it's remarkable to think back to what a CD Projekt Red game looked like just 12 years...
New Workshop: Generative AI with Diffusion Models
Take a deep dive into denoising diffusion models, from building a U-Net to training a text-to-image model. Take a deep dive into denoising diffusion models,...