Cool weapons are hidden all around Far Cry 6’s map, and some are harder to get than others. One, the GDP Oil Platform Weapon, is harder to get than others. If you’re insistent on grabbing it, though, we’ve got a guide on how to do so.

How to Get GDP Oil Platform Weapon in Far Cry 6

The location of the GDP Oil Platform Weapon in Far Cry 6 is at the south east corner of the platform in a blue shipping container.

You’ll see from the mini map that there’s a weapon crate inside, but there’s no immediate way in. To get to it, you need to move one of the containers.

To do so, head to the south west corner of platform and look for white room with the number 16 on the outside.

Head inside and you will spot a console that you can interact with, which controls the cranes on the platform.

Interact with it to press the big red button and the crane by the weapon will move one of the crates over by the weapon you are trying to get.

Once it has moved, you can then head back to the container where the weapon is and it’ll be open. You’ll now be able to go inside and grab it, as well as other additional materials and items.

The GDP Oil Platform Weapon you’ll now have from the container is the Supercharger Shotgun unique weapon. I has a really high damage stat and you can equip it from the arsenal tab in the pause menu.

Now, you can head out into Yara once more with a formidable shotgun. If you’re after the other best weapons in the game, you can check out our breakdown of them and where you’ll find them.

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