In the third (and last) part of this series we are taking a look at using the JDBC API to access a database via SFS2X Extensions. While this approach takes a bit more coding compared to the DBManager API (which we have explored in part 2) it also provides more sophisticated features such as working […]
Getting Your Game Release Right – A Checklist
Making a game is one thing. An impressive, creative and wonderful thing. But a game really comes to life when it is released to players....
How to Encourage More Snacking and Less Feasting
In early 2021 some clever bods* at a university wrote a research paper about how individual game mechanics affect player attrition (i.e. how many players...
Nvidia’s 2021 Bubble, Eerily Similar To Other Bubbles That Came Before
Nvidia is the backbone of the Artificial Intelligence revolution. Nvidia is the only firm providing vertically integrated artificial intelligence solutions for the datacenter, edge, robotics,...
Relationships Between HEXAD Types
It’s been a while since I wrote about the HEXAD user types, but the world does not stand still and I keep seeing them turning up in academic papers – which is amazing, so…