Since the development of the first arcade games, video games have come a long way. Certain game features that were extremely popular in the early...
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V Rising declares a 1.0 release date, climbing from the grave of a years-long early access to become your next time vampire
V Rising, a game that ah-ah-ah'd its way into a fairly successful early access in 2022, is finally hurling aside the stone lid of its...
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RimWorld’s new expansion is introducing ‘IEDs that resurrect the dead,’ fleshbeasts, and a ‘beautiful golden cube’ that you will love, or else
Horrible things are afoot in RimWorld. More horrible than usual, I mean, and RimWorld can already get pretty horrible. What with the cannibalism and all....
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Got a laptop plugged in 24/7? You could be ruining your battery life, so prepare to do the charger dance
There are few things more nerve-wracking than a dying battery. Ok, there are quite a few things more nerve-wracking than a dying battery, like getting...
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PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 52: The yellow paint debate
RSS Feed | Apple Podcasts | Spotify Happy Thursday PC gamers, welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! Dang, we're officially at episode...