Well met, Greyhawkers! One of my absolute favorite Greyhawk source books is Anne Brown's Players Guide to Greyhawk from the 2E era. Among the many...
Greyhawk Map Definitions
Welcome back Greyhawkers! If you've spent as much time as I have staring at the Darlene map of the Flanaess then you'll understand that you...
Aerial Items of Greyhawk
Welcome again Greyhawk enthusiasts! I recently had a fun discussion on Legends & Lore stream about aerial related things in Greyhawk (or D&D in general). After...
Dark Greyhawk Forum Letter
Well met Greyhawkers! Today I was reminded that way back in 2000, at the turn of 2nd Edition to 3rd Edition, before the internet became...
Enabling Greater Patient-Specific Cardiovascular Care with AI Surrogates
A Stanford University team is transforming heart healthcare with near real-time cardiovascular simulations driven by the power of AI. Harnessing... A Stanford University team is...