Roleplaying ventures into vast worlds of imagination, but it’s often the silent language of our bodies that breathes life into our characters. As players gather...
The Perfect Class: Maximizing Your DND Gnome Character’s Potential
Gnomes are often the unsung heroes of any adventuring party, their diminutive stature and upbeat demeanor belying their vast potential. These mystical beings, with their...
Beyond the Tropes: Crafting Memorable DND Characters and Backstories
In the rich and imaginative world of Dungeons & Dragons, character creation is a canvas where players can paint their most intriguing ideas. However, it’s...
Diablo 4 players take the ‘action’ out of action RPG and create the ultimate AFK build that plays itself
In action RPGs, the most valuable currency is time. It's also the number one thing that pisses players off, leading them to argue about how...
Blizzard veteran David Kim’s strategy comeback with Battle Aces is ‘very personal:’ ‘I just can’t accept… the end-all peak of RTS is StarCraft 2 and nothing can ever be better’
The real-time strategy genre has been attempting a new wave for a while now. Many have stepped up to the plate, inspired by the pillars...