Capcom’s latest entry in the iconic Street Fighter series, Street Fighter 6, punches its way into the cloud this GFN Thursday. The game, along with...
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Concord is now available to pre-order; Early Access and beta detailed
Hey everyone! After revealing Concord last week, we’re excited to continue unpacking more about the game and answering your questions in the days and weeks...
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Helldivers II enlists The Viper Commandos Warbond on June 13
Liberty’s greetings, Helldivers! Are you ready to learn all about the new Viper Commandos Warbond? Firstly, we have been listening to your feedback as we...
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The Role of Ancient Languages in DND Campaigns
Using Comprehend Languages to Unravel Ancient Mysteries in DND 5e Language barriers can serve as powerful storytelling devices in Dungeons & Dragons (DND) campaigns, adding...
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New Helldivers 2 CEO says dev-player relationships are more ‘doctor/patient’, reveals that Arrowhead’s taking a stethoscope to your Reddit posts and YouTube rants
Helldivers 2 has simmered down considerably after the stratospheric success of its launch—which started at an all-time peak of over 450,000 players and has since...