Every day, people face countless challenges that make life more complicated and stressful. From struggling with mundane tasks to dealing with outdated technology, it often...
Yoshi-P will turn Final Fantasy 14: Dawntrail around if players keep asking for a raise spell on Pictomancer, jokes: ‘it’d be best to remove raise from all of those jobs’ if they don’t behave
I'm personally very much looking forward to splashing a bunch of paint around on Pictomancer, one of the two new jobs coming in Final Fantasy...
Creators of new Ubisoft shooter didn’t have a 3D animator, so they made the characters spheres
Before it was picked up by Ubisoft, free-to-play early access arena shooter BattleCore Arena—which (re)launched on Steam today—was a three-person project. There was one problem:...
Trackmania players have been trying to complete a challenge map so ludicrously hard there’s a $30,000 prize for reaching the top, and over a month after release no-one’s done it
A standout moment for Trackmania was the release of Deep Dip in November 2022, a 14-floor map that represented the greatest challenge in the game's...
Counter-Strike pro somehow gets banned for life twice after stealing other players’ kit at IEM Dallas, blames the ganja
Counter-Strike pro player Adam "nbgee12" Zanzoul has been barred from IEM Dallas 2024 and permabanned from the FACEIT platform after being caught stealing SSDs from...