PC Gamer Chat Log Episode 52: The yellow paint debate

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Happy Thursday PC gamers, welcome back to the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast! Dang, we’re officially at episode 52 which means it’s been an entire year of the podcast. Well, we actually took a two-week break over December so our anniversary was on March 2, but you know. We won’t tell anyone if you won’t.

It’s been a fantastic year of getting to host this podcast with Lauren. She really is the brains behind this whole operation, and there’s no way we could get an episode out to all you lovely folk every week if it wasn’t for her. Make sure to drop her a thanks over on the PC Gamer forums on this week’s episode thread! Here’s to many more episodes in the future, and the two of us cooking up plenty more PC podcasting shenanigans.

With those little celebrations out of the way, it’s time for us to put on our wellies and wade into the discourse swamp. The whole “yellow paint on ledges” topic has come back into the spotlight in the last few weeks, so we’ve brought paint-hater Tyler Wilde along to discuss how we feel about its increasing inclusion in games.

Crate can be broken? Pop some yellow paint on it. Rocks on a cliff can be clambered up? Better throw some paint on there so people know. It’s become a frequently-used form of communication in games, but not everyone is a huge fan of it. Just who is going around all these worlds with a paintbrush and a dream? Are there better ways to tackle visual communication in our beloved games? Would we all crumble without a bit of colour telling us where to go and what to do?

A lot of people have opinions about the yellow paint, and I’m sure you do too. After you’re done thanking Lauren for all her lovely hard work, don’t forget to drop your own thoughts on the debate on the forums. We love to reply to you all and see you joining the discussion!

You can check out the PC Gamer Chat Log podcast on a whole bunch of podcast platforms:

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If you prefer some faces to go with your voices, you can also check out the podcast over on YouTube:

Don’t forget to check us out over on the PC Gamer forums, too! We’ll be checking in every week to see what you lovely lot have to say about each week’s episode, and joining in the discussion ourselves.

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