For the longest time, Japanese manga adaptations have been the backbone of the anime industry, as shows use their source material as a guide to...
Since they can’t play Light No Fire yet, Hello Games fans are keeping busy by drawing dragons
Last month at The Game Awards we finally got our first look at Sean Murray's followup to No Man's Sky—and it's a huge one. In...
Palworld, the Pokémon-like game that lets you arm your creatures with machine guns, put them to work in factories, or just eat them, launches on Steam next week
Palworld is the game that asks the disturbing yet fundamentally sensible question: What if Team Rocket had access to a large cache of HK416s and...
Zenless Zone Zero could be my next Genshin Impact if it would just let me skip straight to the action
One of the most surprising games to come out last year was Honkai: Star Rail, an action game disguised as a turn-based strategy game. Its...
Bethesda will finally show off Indiana Jones gameplay at the Developer Direct showcase happening later this month
Three years after it was first revealed, the Indiana Jones game in development at MachineGames is finally ready for the spotlight. Microsoft announced today that...